Hello and welcome from the LBS Student Union! We are pleased that you have found our website and hope that you’ll enjoy taking advantage of everything we have to offer you. From student body representation to organized activities, we are here to improve your student experience by bringing you resources, activities, guidance, fun, and excitement! Dive into our website to learn more about what we can do for you!

You shouldn’t have to go through your academic experience alone! We’ve taken the hassle out of your social life with this section. Click below to explore various extracurricular activities you may want to be part of including sporting events, study groups, and more! Here you will find a one-stop shop to identify things to do outside of the classroom. You’ll be able to easily connect with other people, sign up for various WhatsApp groups to help you stay in the know of what’s going on, and find meet-ups or other activities. Explore the offerings we’ve identified to help you be an involved part of our community!
We know how difficult it can be to find answers to questions you may have when you’re part of such a big community, so we’ve designed this section to provide you a list of the most frequently asked questions on a wide variety of topics. Explore the questions and answers here to learn about everything LBS and everything U@LBS from A to Z!

About us
We believe that a truly great educational experience goes well beyond the walls of the classroom. Our elected officials and other members of the LBS Student Union strive to help improve the quality of an LBS student’s academic experience through representation - we are your voice on campus! Our Union is your Union - we focus on identifying your needs/concerns, answering your questions, facilitating change on campus, and organizing fun events so your LBS experience is not just academically fulfilling but it also memorable and fun at the same time!